RFP#018: Study on Profiling and Segmenting the Road Transport (Logistics) Sector and Assessment of Informal Financing therein

Karandaaz Pakistan has issued this Request for Proposal (RFP) for the following consultancy service: “Study on Profiling and Segmenting the Road Transport (Logistics) Sector and Assessment of Informal Financing therein”. The purpose of this RFP is to solicit bids from firms interested in providing consultancy to Karandaaz Pakistan.

For details please download: RFP #018

Technical and financial proposals must be submitted latest by 05:00 PM Pakistan Standard Time on January 16, 2017 by e-mail at procurement@karandaaz.com.pk with the subject line: Responding to RFP No. 18 for “Study on Profiling and Segmenting the Road Transport (Logistics) Sector and Assessment of Informal Financing therein”, along with a single sealed envelope with three separately sealed envelopes containing the pre-requisites package (one hard copy), technical proposal (three hard copies) and financial proposal (one hard copy) sent to 1-E, Ali Plaza, Mezzanine Floor, Nazim-uddin Road, Blue Area, Islamabad. Late proposals will not be entertained.