RFP #006: Compensation Survey for Karandaaz Pakistan

Karandaaz Pakistan invites sealed proposals from interested and eligible organizations for the following service: “Compensation Survey for Karandaaz Pakistan”. The purpose of this RFP is to solicit proposals from companies interested in conducting a compensation survey for Karandaaz in order to benchmark the existing compensation of Karandaaz staff against industry standards.

For details please download: Request for Proposal

Detailed technical and financial proposals must be submitted before 05:00 pm Pakistan Standard Time on April 18, 2016. Offerors must prepare hard copy of the technical proposal and a copy of the cost proposals, and submit in separate sealed envelopes to the attention of ​’The Procurement Department’ 1-E, Ali Plaza, D Chowk, Mezzanine Floor, Nazimudin Road, Blue Area, Islamabad​’​. The proposals must also be sent via an email to procurement@karandaaz.com.pk