Karandaaz Pakistan has issued this Request for Proposal (RFP) for the following consultancy service: “DFS Ideation Workshop”. The purpose of this RFP is to solicit bids from firms interested in providing consultancy to Karandaaz Pakistan..
For details please download: RFP #019
Technical and financial proposals must be submitted latest by 05:00 PM Pakistan Standard Time on January 27, 2017 by e-mail at procurement@karandaaz.com.pk with the subject line: Responding to RFP No. 19 for “DFS Ideation Workshop”, along with a single sealed envelope with three separately sealed envelopes containing the pre-requisites package (one hard copy), technical proposal (three hard copies) and financial proposal (one hard copy) sent to 1-E, Ali Plaza, Mezzanine Floor, Nazim-uddin Road, Blue Area, Islamabad. Late proposals will not be entertained.